Bald Rasta BJJ

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Can You Smell a Submission Coming?

 Have you ever walked into an elevator and smelled the fragrance of someone that had recently left and then your brain starts trying to imagine that person just from the scent? Or maybe you smell a cologne that reminds you of a person, place or time.  The link between memory and smells has been recorded and proven in numerous studies.  So can it apply to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?  Although I understanding the scent/memory correlation, I haven’t really applied it to anything other than meditation, but upon visiting one jiu jitsu school. I noticed they had ashes from burnt incense in a corner.  When I asked about it, the coach said they use the incense during “blind” flow rolling sessions to increase relaxation as an aromatherapy application and to keep the room smelling nice while the doors are closed (to cut off light.) In addition, the coach thought the scent could aid in the brain’s ability to recall movements during rolling sessions especially during blind folded flow sparring.  As the dominant sense of sight is removed, while blind-folded, the other senses become more heightened and if there are scents in the air, the brain will record them and associate them with the situation and movements…eventually, the brain will replay those movements in the presence of the scent like any other smell-related memory.
                 I didn’t have the opportunity to roll under those conditions at the academy but it made sense to me and I was willing to give it a shot. Instead of turning the mat into a smoked-filled room, I decided to just use a particular fragrance on myself when I roll.  I put the fragrance on my gi and dreadlocks, my chest and shoulders.  I only put this fragrance on before sparring and before bed.  I do not know if it works yet…not even sure if it will work but I have been complimented several times for smelling  pleasant and consequently, I’m a more appealing training partner…so if anything is happening I’m getting more willing sparring partners thus helping my BJJ game.

Name of author

Name: bredda
